My browsers always automatically redirect to advertise website. That’s a pain in
my ass. In particular, While I am reading software API, it change my current
pages to another ad pages. Seemingly, someone did change my default dns to
advertise dns server.
1. Change the DNS
Set the current dns to google dns:,
2. Reset the Network Manager
sudo systemclt restart NetworkManager
After finished this step, firefox should work well
3. Remove cache in Google Chrome
## Go to ~/.cache/google-chromecd ~/.cache/google-chrome/Default
## remove file in Cache directoryrm Cache/*## remove file in Media Cache directoryrm Media\ Cache/*
4. Remove cached in Conkeror
## move to dir of conkeror cachecd ~/.cache/
## remove all cachedrm-rf*
There are three ways to group trunk of code in Ruby which are block,
process and lambda. Each of them behave differently from others. This post
is all about the differences of them and its examples and use cases.
| Characteristics | Process | Block | Lambda |
| Object | yes | no | yes |
| Number of arguments* | many | 1 | many |
| Checking number of args | no | identifying | yes |
| Return behavior | affect outer scope | identifying | not affect outer scope |
Block is not an object, cannot execute directly, it need to be passed to a method
Proc and Lambda are objects, its instance can be execute directly
Number of block, proc and lambda passed in parameter field
Block: A method can use only one block which passed in the parameter fields.
Well, obviously, block is a kind of anonymous function. If there are two
passing in parameter field. How could interpreter understand when should it
use this or that block. Meanwhile, a method can only use one block or
anonymous function which is passed in parameter field.
Proc and Lambda: In fact, these two are identical and it’s object
instances. On the other words, you are passing object in parameter field. Hence,
pass them as many as you want.
Return behaviour
Block: return cannot be used within a block. Here is an article about
block break and next behaviours
Lambda: return instruction within a block only suspend instruction execute within
the block. It does not suspend outer method.
Process: return instruction also affect the outer scope. It suspends the
outer method directly.
Checking number of arguments passing to block, process, lambda
| | Block | Process | Lambda |
| check | no | no | yes |
During this time, I am in an internship program. There is a big concern, I have
to work with a very big project, and there is no documentation. The number of
tables in project’s database is more than 20, still no documentation.
A big nightmare for an intern one. It’s important to make an entity relationship
diagram, at least with a hope that I can get cope easily with the project.
Configuration file will be loaded at ~/.erdconfig or
...project_rails/.erdconfig, file config in the root of project will take
higher priority than in the home directory.
Highchart is a common javascript library which use to display graph with many
beautiful features, however, there is a small need in use of highchart.js. It’s
about having dual yAxis, and how to balance common zero between two yAxis.
There is no built-in feature that can help you deal with this solution but
changing the min, max value via setExtremes() method.
I did write a small method which can help solve this problem, small but
How to use
Given that, on the html there is a div which is used for highcharts, this div
is only for rendering graph for example $("#graph")
After include the balancezero.js, you can test by running the command on the
web console balanceZeroRoot(dom_element) or for example balanceZeroRoot($("#graph"))
By default, there is exist behavior for show and hide plots, you need to
modify those default behavior to work with balancezero.js. For each kind of
graph, there is exist option name legendItemClick for example
plotOptions:{// shared option on plottin the graphseries:{borderColor:'#000000',pointStart:Date.parse(data.start_date),pointEnd:Date.parse(data.end_date),pointInterval:24*3600*1000,groupPadding:0,// group for each point on the x-axisshadow:false,animation:false,events:{legendItemClick:function(){if(this.visible==true){this.setVisible(false,false);}else{this.setVisible(true,false);}balanceZeroRoot(YOUR_GRAPH_DOM_ELEMENT);returnfalse;}}}}
In addition, there is also a need to load balanceZeroRoot() right after
data loaded. There are many kind of graph, the code below is an example about
The demand to have common zero for dual yAxis has been there for 2 years
, however there is no good solution which fit for me even the one from the admin
of highcharts, the plugin does not work perfectly.
There is a small function you have to write to delete your history instantly. source
functionhistory_clear(){varhistory=Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIBrowserHistory);history.removeAllPages();}interactive("history-clear","Clear the history.",history_clear);
private variables are declared with the var keyword inside the object, and
can only be accessed by private functions and privileged methods.
private functions are declared inline inside the object’s constructor (or
alternatively may be defined via var functionName=function(){...}) and may
only be called by privileged methods (including the object’s constructor).
privileged methods are declared with this.methodName=function(){...} and
may invoked by code external to the object.
public properties are declared with this.variableName and may be
read/written from outside the object.
public methods are defined by Classname.prototype.methodName =
function(){...} and may be called from outside the object.
prototype properties are defined by Classname.prototype.propertyName = someValue
static properties are defined by Classname.propertyName = someValue
varPerson=function(job,age){//job and age are public variablesthis.job=job;this.age=age;//sex is private variablevarsex='male';//printJob() is a public functionthis.printJob(){Console.log(this.job);}//sayHello() is private functionvarsayHello=function(){Console.log('Hello');}}Person.variable=123;//variable is pointing to object named PersonPerson.prototype.variable=345;//variable is pointing to the function of object named Person
#3. Inheritance
a.Inheritance object
vara={a:1};// a ---> Object.prototype ---> nullvarb=Object.create(a);// b ---> a ---> Object.prototype ---> nullconsole.log(b.a);// 1 (inherited)varc=Object.create(b);// c ---> b ---> a ---> Object.prototype ---> nullvard=Object.create(null);// d ---> nullconsole.log(d.hasOwnProperty);// undefined, because d doesn't inherit from Object.prototype
#4. Notes
Keyword this, within a function, this refers to object which call the
3. Declare function to make a click action to DOM node
haivl.doClick=function(I,index){vardocument=I.buffer.document;varbutton_array=document.querySelectorAll(haivl.selector.nav);if(button_array[index]!=null){dom_node_click(button_array[index]);}else{I.minibuffer.message("Button: "[index]+" not found."+"length: "+button_array.length);}I.minibuffer.message(I);}haivl.doClickSeeMore=function(I){vardocument=I.buffer.document;varbutton=document.querySelector(haivl.selector.seemore);if(button!=null){dom_node_click(button);}else{I.minibuffer.message("Button: "[5]+" not found.");}}
4. Make those function become interactive
interactive("haivl-1","new feeds",function(I){haivl.doClick(I,0);});interactive("haivl-2","unread feeds",function(I){haivl.doClick(I,1);});interactive("haivl-3","vote feeds",function(I){haivl.doClick(I,2);});interactive("haivl-4","video feeds",function(I){haivl.doClick(I,3);});interactive("haivl-5","hot feeds",function(I){haivl.doClick(I,4);});interactive("haivl-seemore","see more feeds",function(I){haivl.doClickSeeMore(I);})
5. Reference
I must say thank to Tran Xuan Truong, Quan Bao Thien To. When I write this bunch
of code I don’t know much about javascript. In addition, regarding Conkeror
technical issues, I gained help from Tran Xuan Truong who is a master in Conkeror
Web browser and he is one who has a big love in programming. Thank you, I will
remember the hackday.
Right now, It’s April 14, 2015. I note this memory to remember a day of doing new
things, learning new things and of course, because it’s a memorial hackday.
Even though, currently, the has been collapsed,but this project still
work with
Problem: Apache Web Server announces that Forbidden Error, given that developers configure Allow and Deny directory with no mistake
Reason: A lack of Indexes for files in directory.
Solution: Add option Indexes in directory tag <Directory>
Example: The following configuration causes forbidden error
<Directory "/home/pvt/apache2/htdocs">
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
The following configuration solve the problem
<Directory "/home/pvt/apache2/htdocs">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Problems: Cannot load the fonts of bootstrap
Reason: In Rails, all assets are loaded from host:port/assets not
host:port/fontsSolution: Replace the source url in @font-face, from ../fonts/ to