Using command 'sudo' without password
In the daily work, I may have to type sudo your_command
and your password many times, it costs your time, in my case, it makes me feel crazy. The solution is that, you will add command which you mostly type into a list, then, when you want to type it with prefix sudo
it wont ask you for password.
You have to modify file sudoers
in /etc/sudoers
. For example, you want to
run command such as “yum”, “apachectl” without passwor
#1. Find the path of those commands by using command which
in this case, those commands locates in /usr/sbin/apachectl
and /usr/bin/yum
#2. Modify file sudoers
username ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD = /usr/sbin/apachectl, /usr/bin/yum
Now, you can run those command without password, REMEMBER, You still need prefix sudo
Command Alias, this feature will help you save your time if you want to assign group of command, for example, you have 2,3 user or group, it should be not convenient to type similar commands many times. Now, what you have to do is group them all, then use the command alias instead!
Cmmd_Alias CommandAliasName = /pathToCommand1, /pathToCommand2, /pathToCommand3
username1 ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD = CommandAliasName
username2 ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD = CommandAliasName