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Summary of block, process and lambda in Ruby

17/08/2015 cheatsheet

There are three ways to group trunk of code in Ruby which are block, process and lambda. Each of them behave differently from others. This post is all about the differences of them and its examples and use cases.

| Characteristics         | Process            | Block       | Lambda                 |
| Object                  | yes                | no          | yes                    |
| Number of arguments*    | many               | 1           | many                   |
| Checking number of args | no                 | identifying | yes                    |
| Return behavior         | affect outer scope | identifying | not affect outer scope |

Basic usage

 # block
 def test_function(&a)

 test_function {
   p "it's block"
 # lambda
 lam = lambda{
   p "it's lambda"
 lam.call #OR#

 # Process
 pro = Proc.new {
   p "it's proc"
 pro.call #OR#

Object or not

  • Block is not an object, cannot execute directly, it need to be passed to a method
  • Proc and Lambda are objects, its instance can be execute directly

Number of block, proc and lambda passed in parameter field

  • Block: A method can use only one block which passed in the parameter fields. Well, obviously, block is a kind of anonymous function. If there are two passing in parameter field. How could interpreter understand when should it use this or that block. Meanwhile, a method can only use one block or anonymous function which is passed in parameter field.

  • Proc and Lambda: In fact, these two are identical and it’s object instances. On the other words, you are passing object in parameter field. Hence, pass them as many as you want.

Return behaviour

  • Block: return cannot be used within a block. Here is an article about block break and next behaviours
  • Lambda: return instruction within a block only suspend instruction execute within the block. It does not suspend outer method.
  • Process: return instruction also affect the outer scope. It suspends the outer method directly.

Checking number of arguments passing to block, process, lambda

|       | Block | Process | Lambda |
| check | no    | no      | yes    |
